My Approach to CounsellingPerson Centered Counselling holds that within you there is a voice that knows better than anyone else what is right for you. My goal is to put you in touch with that voice.
Your Own Personal TherapyCarl Jung said each person requires their own unique therapy, and this is what I provide. I have an ability to see your unique way of being in the world, and to match it with techniques that enable insight and movement.
We will create a world in which your individuality is central, where you are able to meet hidden aspects of yourself, uncover your natural confidence, and find true direction. Together, we will work to dissolve the deep hidden blocks that prevent you from living, feeling and thinking authentically. Counselling & Psychotherapy Services (What's the difference between Counselling & Psychotherapy?) |
Going Beyond the MindYour body has its own way of expressing tension, and it always communicates accurately. We will pay attention to the subtle body cues as they emerge, revealing hidden parts of yourself difficult to access through talk therapy alone. Emotion Focused Therapy is just one of the ways we can let your body speak.
Lived ExperiencePerhaps the most valuable thing I bring to my private and group work is my life experience, and the intensity, passion and empathy it has instilled in me. I never cease from exploring the human psyche, and my clients benefit from my thirst for knowledge.